Ex-Ex-Gay Blogger is Born
Former ex-gay Shawn O'Donnell has begun to blog! Shawn, who appears in Tom Murray's film Fish Can't Fly, is also the the guy whose face appeared on the Exodus website years after he came out and in spite of many requests to have his image removed.He only has a few entries up so far, but he writes about his time in the New Hope residential ex-gay program and his feelings at the time and in looking back. Shawn, welcome to the world of blogging!
Shawn's blog: allgodschildren
There is actually an ex-ex-gay blog at http://www.exexgay.blogspot.com as well.
Hi Peterson,
Thank you for posting this-I went over and left two comments. Although I am not ex-gay, I have survived some very deep hurt in evangelical churches- from being told that I was demonized from having been sexually abused, to being told that as a second wife to my husband I would never come first in my marriage in God's eyes. Oh, and the random weird stare and rejection for whatever reason (probably because I do not look or behave like the stereotypical "christian housewife," who knows). So in many ways, although I am a straight chick here in white-picket fenceland, I can relate to Shawn's journey towards self acceptance. I am hoping for healing for us both.
(oh, and he was kind enough to link to my little start up of a blog, and apparently you found me through that! I can't tell you how thrilled I was to see your comment).
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